Types & Usefulness of Carbide Insert Knives
Hizbullah Shoukat January 26, 2021 No Comments

As we are aware that tungsten carbide is a chemical compound containing same ratios of tungsten and carbon atoms. In other words, tungsten carbide is a fine gray powder in its basic form, but it can be pressed and formed into shapes for use. So many carbide insert products are now available in the market. The most demanding products of this category are: carbide inserts knives carbide industrial knives tungsten carbide rods carbide inserts carbide bars for VSI crusher High-quality industrial knives are applied to so many different sectors of expertise like paper and plastic industries, packaging, converting and wood industries etc. Basically, circular knives have very wide applications. Circular knives are offered in Solid Carbide. These are also available in customized form. Solid carbide insert knives are of from micro grain carbide. These are available in dozens of standard sizes with one, two or four […]
Read MoreGD Tobacco making & packing machine spare parts
Hizbullah Shoukat January 12, 2021 No Comments

Equipment Modernization G.D s.p.A portfolio of solutions enhances the value of operating equipment by installing the latest technological features on existing equipment or bringing old equipment as close as possible to a new machine’s conditions. Customers are provided with different solutions of sizes/formats to run additional products on the same equipment. Moreover equipment control system can be upgraded to the latest technological standards, solving at the same time any potential obsolescence risk. Upgrades & Kits G.D’s constant collaboration with its customers has made it possible to develop up-grade kits focused on improving the performance of G.D machines. Furthermore, innovative solutions developed for new generation machines, can be extended to serve the wide range of previously installed G.D machines. The variety of materials, coupled with G.D commitment to progressively reducing the cost of materials while simultaneously maintaining the high-quality finished products that distinguish the company, all require that […]
Read MoreContract Manufacturing: Cigarette OEM
Hizbullah Shoukat November 24, 2020 No Comments
Maximizing production capacities as much as possible is important for investment-heavy cigarette manufacturers; and OEM is a handy tool to achieve just that. Apart from the largest multinationals and sheltered state monopolies, almost every cigarette company engages in OEM (a.k.a. contract manufacturing), not only making their own products but also manufacturing cigarettes for other brand owners. Expensive machinery ties up substantial investments and is costly to maintain. It therefore should be utilized as much as possible instead of having it sitting idle. Besides, OEM provides welcome additional income that helps keep a cigarette firm in the black – and workers in their jobs. While the focus primarily may be on proprietary brands, OEM can contribute anywhere from a few single-digit percentage up to as much as half of annual revenue. BMJ Industries UAE The United Arab Emirates have matured into quite the hub for tobacco products manufacturing owing […]
Read MoreЧто такое форматные ленты?
Emaan April 20, 2020 No Comments
Что такое форматные ленты? Форматные kленты используются в машинах для изготовления сигарет и фильтров и для формирования табачных стержней. Как правило, существует три типа лент в зависимости от их материального состава. Натуральные волокна – Лен Химические Волокна – Кевлар Custom Mix – Согласно запросу пользователей Льняные гарнитуры Кевларовые форматные ленты Кевларовые форматные ленты Какая форматная лента мне нужна? Требуемая лента будет зависеть от: Скорость машины Использованная бумага Условия эксплуатации Гарнитурные ленты производятся с различными коэффициентами поверхностного трения. Покрытия также наносятся для улучшения коэффициента трения между бумагой и лентой. Это поверхностное покрытие может быть нанесено на середину или всю поверхность. Когда я должен иcпользовать кевларовые форматные ленты ? Для того, чтобы выдерживать более высокие температуры (до 200 градусов) или машины, работающие на высокой скорости, рекомендуется использовать кевларовые ленты. Кевларовые ленты чрезвычайно прочны с очень высокой прочностью на разрыв и […]
Read MoreCOVID-19 is Contaminating the Sustainability of Supply Chains
Emaan April 5, 2020 No Comments

The recent COVID-19 outbreak has popularised the term ‘supply chain management’ due to the unprecedented, rapid and devastating effects that such a pandemic may cause for supply chains that literally keep society functioning. For example, around 95% of the most powerful American companies have reported significant disruption to their supply chains due to the coronavirus pandemic. How to ensure that key supply chains – such as those related to healthcare and food – are able to cope in this situation is now a familiar preoccupation for the Government, the media and general society. Supply chain management is concerned with ensuring that goods and services can flow from suppliers to end-users, transforming raw materials into the products and services that society values the most, ensuring that customers’ needs are met. Domestic Supply Chains rely on nation-wide processes, suppliers and manufacturing; while Global Supply Chains tend to be much more exposed to […]
Read MoreGuidance for Tobacco Manufacturers- Mitigating Supply risks from COVID 19
Emaan March 16, 2020 No Comments

Mitigating Supply risks from COVID 19 Weathering the storm For each product group Identify locations of Tier 1 suppliers Analyse the BOM & Identify locations of Tier 2 & 3 suppliers Analyse the location spread in Countries where your suppliers are and note:- quarantine period lockdown Potential disruption in Industrial activity Estimate % drop in production at suppliers over next 6months & time needed to recover Collect the pipeline inventory & the earliest time you can receive those Collect the inventory data of the affected parts and calculate the weeks of supply you have Update your forecasting models to estimate the sales of your products over the next 6 months Securing Short Term Supply Enquire and identify which of your parts can be delivered by Suppliers with diversified sources e.g IZIPART.com Fill potential supply disruptions with suppliers who are currently managing to maintain operations Procurement […]
Read MoreHow to choose the correct Garniture Tape for Cigarette Manufacturing
Hizbullah Shoukat February 10, 2020 No Comments
What are Garniture tapes? Garniture tapes are used in Cigarette & Filter Making machines and for tobacco rod forming purposes. There are generally three types of Garniture Tapes, based on their material composition Natural Fibres – Linen Chemical Fibres – Kevlar Custom Mix – As per end-users request LINEN Garniture Tapes KEVLAR Garniture Tapes What type of Garniture Tape do I need? The tape you require will depend upon:- Machine Brand (GD, Hauni, Focke etc) & Speed Paper used Operating Conditions Garniture tapes are produced with varying Surface Friction Coefficients. Coatings are also applied to improve the coefficient of friction between the paper and the tape. This surface coating can be applied over the middle or all of the surface. When should I use Kevlar Garniture Tapes In order to withstand higher temperatures (up to 200 degrees) or […]
Read MoreThe role of ‘Empty Cigarette Tubes’ in Cigarette Manufacturing
Emaan January 27, 2020 No Comments

The cigarette tube consists of cigarette paper, which is usually pre-wrapped with an acetate or paper filter. It looks like a finished cigarette, but it does not contain tobacco or cigarette material. It varies depending on the length and diameter of the cigarette to be produced. What are the various Cigarette Tube types? There are standard, king, slim, superslim, 100 and 120 variants. Standard size cigarettes are normally 70 mm long, while king size cigarettes are typically 84 mm, 100’s about 100 mm, and 120’s 120 mm. Slim and superslim cigarettes have a smaller diameter than normal cigarettes. How are Cigarette Tubes made? Cigarette tubes are created by mass production machinery. Tubes containing a filling material are produced with the help of automation and the filling material is transferred to a machine for removal. The filler in all of the cigarette tubes produced is removed here. […]
Read MoreWhy every manufacturer should have a Tobacco Reclaimer Machine!
Emaan January 20, 2020 No Comments

Tobacco Reclaiming Machine Benefits High yield with low degradation Very low paper count in recovered tobacco No adjustment of machine settings required No consumables or knives used Low maintenance Low noise and dust emissions Robust & reliable construction Improved sieving conveyor design for reduced contamination risk More consistent Metering Feed Section Pre-Sieving loose tobacco before processing Large Filters to prevent dust build up and blockages New filtration media to further reduce dust emissions Click here to view multiple solutions for Tobacco Cigarette Reclaimer The Reclaim Process 1. Reject product is fed either manually, or by Tipper Unit, into the bulking section at the bottom of an Elevating Band Conveyor. The elevator transports the product at a controlled rate to the Conditioning section. 2. At the Conditioning stage, the product is fed into a steaming tube. This process ensures that the cigarettes are at an optimum moisture & temperature […]
Read MoreUAE Digital Tax Stamps on Tobacco Products
Hizbullah Shoukat January 7, 2019 No Comments

FTA Introduce “Digital Tax Stamp (DTS)” has been introduced in the UAE by the FTA and is applicable for all Tobacco Products. This control program required all manufacturers and stakeholders of tobacco products to implement and comply with the new rules and regulations on the importation and trading of tobacco in the UAE. The DTS comprises of a unique pack marker and code which allows the product to be digitally traced from the manufacturing plant to the Emirate in which the distribution will occur. The aim is to better support reduction measures targeting illicit tobacco trading. Manufacturers of Tobacco products will be required to apply the high-security stamps and digital codes on all cigarette packaging imported into the UAE. The aim of this is to facilitate the FTA in the control and collection of imposed taxes on cigarette products sold in the UAE for […]
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